Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Family 2013

While we were back home and taking pictures with my family, I decided it would probably be a good idea to snap a few photos of my own little family since I would have the help of my mom. So I set up the camera on the tripod and had her start clicking away!

She loves to be silly!

Loving on brother!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Robison Family 2013

Here are pictures of my AMAZING family! Since Ryan will be leaving soon, we decided that while we were home that we should probably take one last picture before he leaves for 2 years. I am so blessed to have such a fabulous family!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Little Brother Part 2

I have finally finished editing my little brothers photos!!! :)

I'm pretty proud of this kid and know he will make an amazing missionary!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day!

Ok, so I know I am going a little out of order here and you are expecting to see Part 2 of my brothers mission pics, but today is Valentines Day and I couldn't resist sharing the fun mini session I did with my own kiddos today!!

I have been working like a mad woman to make sure that the shirts I made them would be done on time and I am happy to report that as of 10:30 pm last night I was able to finish Mister's tie onesie!!

I hope you enjoy and have a fabulous Valentines Day!